Note: Group photo by Flying Flamingo Fotographie.

Monday, August 15, 2011

By now, I should know better than to think that The Goose is EVER doing what she should be.

Before I continue with the story, let me note, that I am not one of those moms that uses the TV as a constant babysitter. But sometimes a mother just needs to get some things done. So the other day, I tucked her into her brother's bedroom to watch one of her favorite movies. Blanket & sippy cup in hand, she happily settled right in. Or so I thought....

It wasn't but a few minutes later, as I was sweeping under the dining room table, that I heard the screaming.

I could tell it wasn't an "I'm hurt" scream, (big sigh of relief there) but it also wasn't her angry scream. (Her angry scream is her most used tactic on her brothers in getting her own way. It is so forceful and loud, that most often they give in to her because: A.  It is seriously so deafening, one will do nearly anything to get her to stop immediately; B. After hearing this banshee like screaming, they don't even want to imagine what kind of wrath is to follow; or C. She is so good at such a production, that they figure they'll get blamed for whatever it is she's crying about.)

So naturally, even though I'm not in a panic, I run to see what the problem might be. And here I found her....

She had climbed all the way up the dresser. And got herself stuck.  I'm not sure if she was trying to change the movie, or just wanting to push buttons. With The Goose, who knows?

But as scary as this is, (a million different what if's and other worries flash through my head) I have to admit I had a total "bad parent" moment.  I mean, I had to get a chuckle out of her situation AND I made her suffer there an extra 20 seconds while I snapped a picture. You can tell by her face, she is totally giving me that "what is wrong with you, get over here and help me already" look. I know, I know... bad parent moment. But really, she did get her own goose this time! How often do I get to say that?

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